Humans have a field of subtle energy which is often referred to as the auric field, aura, or etheric body. This energy is made up of emotional, spiritual, and mental particles. We also have Axiatonal lines known as acupuncture or meridian lines, which are energy
pathways that supply our physical bodies with vital energy. This energy extends from the ground, into the atmosphere, and out into the universe. A few terms for this are the Cosmic Lattice, Universal Grid, and Living Universe. The Cosmic Lattice is a specific kind of energy, it is something so common that it is around us all the time. It is the energy of love. At one time, our own Axiatonal lines were connected to the Cosmic Lattice and specific points out in the Universe, however, over time we have become disconnected from these lines. An Axiatonal Re-Alignment is a simple yet powerful tune-up of the energy system. It is a powerful healing tool that works to reconnect and align the meridian lines of the body, enabling your energy system to function smoothly, and rejuvenating all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Some benefits of Axiatonal Alignment include: opening and aligning your meridian channels and removing any blockages; balancing your chakras and the polarity of your body; releasing any physical, emotional, or spiritual limitations; balancing, centering, and focusing your mind; clear negative emotional patterns; produce deep relaxation and a sense of well being; powerfully boost the effects of other therapies such as Reiki, Massage and Reflexology; and improve physical mobility and mental alertness.